How to Make Lavender Mimosa

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I made lavender mimosas to celebrate the summer solstice and Father’s Day with my family. (Lavender’s planetary correspondance is the Sun, which is all the more reason to enjoy this drink in the longest day of the year!)

Lavender is a herb often used in food and drink, and well-known for its aromatherapeutic properties. It helps calm the nervous system, clears congestion in the respiratory tract, supports sleep, soothes digestive disturbances as well as headaches, to name a few things this awesome herb can support. It is amphoteric, which is an herbal action which means that it does two things at the same time: it is both stimulating and relaxing for the body.

I used lavender-infused honey, which I made last year with herbs from Sawmill Herb Farm in MA. (I highly recommend signing onto their herbal CSA! Or, support your local farms!) It felt timely to finally use it after it has been sitting by my herbal altar all these months. The fresh-squeezed orange juice definitely put the cocktail in another level. Topped with freshly dried lavender from Sacred Botanica in Brooklyn, NY, the drink has a heavenly scent with each sip!

This is a loose adaptation of the classic mimosa. You are welcome to make it into a “mocktail” instead, subbing it with sparkling water rather than champagne/sparkling wine if you wish to go the non-alcoholic route. I made it both ways, so that I could offer the “mocktail” version to the kiddos too. Lavender is a great herb for kids to work with.

May the lavender mimosa bring you brightness and cheer during these challenging times! Remember to take care of yourself and find nourishment in community.

Lavender Mimosa Recipe

Serves about 8

16 oz orange juice (about 5 fresh oranges, or you can use store-bought OJ)

4 oz lavender-infused honey*

1 bottle of champagne (substitute with sparkling white wine or sparkling water)

Lavender sprigs, to garnish

*How to Make Lavender-Infused Honey

Dried or fresh lavender



  1. Fill a clean jar with 1 part lavender to 4 parts honey.

  2. Close the jar and shake to evenly distirbute the lavender in the honey. Make sure to label the ingredients and date it was made so you can keep track.

  3. Wait for it to infuse for 4-6 weeks. Shake regularly.

  4. When ready, scoop out and enjoy! Straining is optional— the lavender buds are edible.

How to Make the Mimosa

  1. Put the lavender-infused honey and orange juice in the cocktail mixer.

  2. Shake to mix evenly.

  3. Fill up half of the glass with the orange juice mixture.

  4. Fill the rest of the glass with champagne (or sparking wine/water).

  5. Garnish with lavender, to add a fresh aroma to each sip.

Disclaimer: Statements made on this website about the herbal products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, which does not evaluate or test herbs. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute medical advice or diagnosis provided by your medical professional. If you have or think you may have a medical problem, contact your medical provider and consult with them before using herbal products.

Willow’s Touch and/or its proprietors assume no liability for any injury, illness or adverse affects caused by the misuse and/or use of the information or products presented on this website. Any application of the information or products is at the person’s discretion and is the person’s sole responsibility.


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