Mango Marshmallow Herbal Smoothie


I was feeling smoothies today, so I made a Mango Marshmallow Herbal Smoothie! I made a marshmallow root cold infusion the night before, and made an impromptu decision to add it to my smoothie, because why not?! Marshmallow is a cooling, moistening, sweet, and yin plant that soothes, lubricates, and nourishes dry mucosal membranes in the digestive, respiratory, and urinary system. Think dry irritated coughs, UTI, acid reflux, colitis, ulcers, and gastritis. Infuse it in room temperature water rather than boiling water to preserve its mucilage, which is where its slippery texture comes from. I added in turmeric tincture and maca into this drink for immune support.

Spiritually, marshmallow brings softness, forgiveness, and compassion to harsh situations. It draws out stagnation and draws in good spirit, so that you feel protected as you face what is hard within yourself or in your environment.

What are your favorite ways to incorporate herbs into your smoothies or drinks? Drop a comment below!

Mango Marshmallow Herbal Smoothie

Yields approx. 3 cups (24 oz)

1.5 cup frozen mango

1.5 cup soy milk

1 cup marshmallow root infusion

1 tsp flax meal

1 tsp maca powder

2 dropperfuls (2 mL) turmeric tincture

honey (to taste)

  1. Prepare a cold infusion of the marshmallow root by steeping 1 part root to 4 parts room temperature water. Let it steep for 4-5 hours, or overnight if desired so that you can get right to making the smoothie the next morning. Strain out when done. 

  2. Take out the frozen mango from the freezer and let thaw for a bit, or heat in the microwave for about a minute so that it is not too icy to blend in a blender.

  3. Put the mango and the rest of the ingredients in the blender. If you don’t have exactly the ingredients listed, you are welcome to substitute it with what you have on hand (reishi powder, cocoa powder, other herbal tinctures, agave syrup, etc.)

  4. Blend and adjust to taste. Add more milk or marshmallow root infusion depending on desired thickness of smoothie. Add more honey to taste. 

  5. Pour into a cup and enjoy! 

Disclaimer: Statements made on this website about the herbal products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, which does not evaluate or test herbs. The information and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only, and is not meant to substitute medical advice or diagnosis provided by your medical professional. If you have or think you may have a medical problem, contact your medical provider and consult with them before using herbal products.

Willow’s Touch and/or its proprietors assume no liability for any injury, illness or adverse affects caused by the misuse and/or use of the information or products presented on this website. Any application of the information or products is at the person’s discretion and is the person’s sole responsibility.


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