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Self Care as Community Care: Meditation & Herbalism Workshop

  • Online via Studio BE (map)

Facilitated by Vivian Mac and Jessica Zambri via Studio BE

Jessica Zambri and I will be facilitating “Self Care as Community Care,” a live online meditation & herbal workshop on Sunday, May 2nd from 10:30am-12pm ET.

Register here:

Caring for others is fueled by the capacity to care for ourselves. The experience of nurturing and being compassionate to ourselves, and knowing what that looks and feels like, informs and affects how we show up in community. Self care, which can bring up reactions of shame, guilt, or unworthiness, can actually be a powerful act of resourcing ourselves so that we can resource our communities in a way that comes from a place of abundance and is aligned with our intentions.

In this interactive workshop, we explore how meditation practice and herbalism are powerful resources to nourish our intentions for self care and community care. The workshop includes talks, group discussion, meditation practice, and a herbal medicine demo. Suitable for all levels of experience. 

Note about registration: The link will prompt you to sign up at the @studiobemindfulness portal. This will give you two weeks free access to all the yoga, meditation, qi gong, reiki and lots more being offered on the site, as well as 20% off member discounted price for this workshop.

We seek to make this offering accessible and have limited amounts of financial assistance available. If you need support to attend, please email

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